About Us

Manor Wellness Alliance is a local group of community leaders, health care clinicians, medical school and college instructors, their students, researchers, and lay volunteers. Our mission is to improve health care access, quality of life, social connectedness, and community belonging for people living in and around Manor.

Take a look inside our current Projects

For more information on these projects and volunteer opportunities, use the tabs at the top of the page!

Our clinic provides the uninsured and underinsured with free doctor visits, vision testing, vaccinations, in addition to other health and social services.

The pandemic disrupted many lives, adding to challenges already existing from rapid social change and overwhelming advances in technology. The Alliance has created the Hope in Action program to help adolescents experiencing rising levels of depression and anxiety.

We are starting a program aimed at fostering prenatal health literacy and equity. This program will host group sessions centered around education, support, and care of expecting mothers. 

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